Each Wednesday, you are invited to draw inspiring art, write encouraging messages, or create hopscotch games on your driveway or sidewalk with chalk!
Then head outside and enjoy a colorful and inspiring walk!
Share your creations with #chalkyourwalk or #chalkyourwalkomaha on Social Media.
Thank you to ChambanaMoms.com for this amazing idea!
Need chalk? Here is a great option from Amazon.(Please note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. See full disclosure policy here.)
More Helpful Resources
Be sure to Join us daily for P.L.A.Y. at Home – Positive Learning Activities for You
- Each morning at 10 a.m. on our Family Fun in Omaha Facebook page, we will be sharing videos, links to educational FB lives, helpful resources, and more – all full of activities and ideas for things to do with your kids during the unique time.
- See links to past PLAY at Home activities here!
Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt
- Walk around and explore your neighborhood while searching for the items on the list. You can add your own ideas to the list, too!