The mission of The Spirit of Saving is “Lifting Your Spirit. Helping You Save.” I have focused much of my energy in these first three months of blogging on ways to help you save, and I intend to keep doing that. I also hope to focus more on Lifting Your Spirit, and providing inspiration and encouragement to help each of us live fully the lives that we are intended to live.
On Mondays, I am going to begin a series called “Make A Difference Monday.” I hope to highlight people and agencies who are making a difference in other’s lives, share encouraging stories of wonderful acts of kindness, and offer little tidbits that will help support and encourage each of us along the way.
How can we make a difference in someone’s life? Even something that we perceive as small can have a lasting impact on another person. We all know people who have inspired us in some way – to do more, to volunteer more, to give more, to share more of ourselves. We each have amazing gifts that we can share to make other’s lives a little brighter. We cannot do everything, but we can do something to help make the world a little better.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~Margaret Mead
CC Image courtesy of Krystal T.